"Love may forgive all infirmities and love still in spite of them: but Love cannot cease to will their removal."
I am going to commit a mortal sin when I write this, but I think that Lewis got this a little bit wrong. It is not that as Christians we may forgive all infirmities, it is that we must always forgive. It is what love demands. Yes, I agree, easier said than done. Yet, that is our hallmark as Christians. We are to love the unlovely -- the prostitute, the drug addict, the homeless, or the... ex-wife (gulp!).
C.S. Lewis's main point, however, is that when we see flaws in others (it is so easy to find flaws in others, isn't it?), we are to love them anyway. But that love is not blind. If we have taken the log out of our own eye, our duty becomes helping others remove the speck out of their eyes. For example, I am to love my friend who complains a lot, as difficult as it is to be around him. But my "job" as his Christian brother is to help him see that complaining makes his life miserable, not only mine.
Again, easier said than done. When someone in our life hurts us or annoys us, what is our first instinct? Do we not tend to build walls, and say to ourselves, "I do not need that in my life."? It is true. We have to be careful being around toxic people who are very unhealthy or "dangerous." At the same time, we need to still show them love and help them overcome whatever the issue is in their life.
A very tricky balance...
What do you think?